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Real Estate Expo Global

Real Estate Expo Global 2022

Welcome to Real Estate Global 2022. We are now accepting reservations for REEG 2022. Our 2-Day hybrid expo will take place on July 26-27. Day 1 will be Virtual using Virtual Expo Platform and Day 2 will be Live at the Hilton Medical Center.

Our Live Summit On July 27 features 3 events!


Luncheon – Time: 11am-2pm

(Now accepting Speakers, Advertisers and Sponsors)

Summit – Time: 4pm-9pm

(Now accepting Exhibitors, Advertisers and Sponsors)

Happy Hour Professionals – Time: 6pm-9pm

(Now accepting Advertisers and Sponsors)

REEG 2021 Recap

Real Estate Expo Global 2021 brought in a total of 511 attendees.

We are expecting 1000+ attendees at Real Estate Expo Global 2022.

Reservations are on a 1st come, 1st serve basis.

We are expecting a full sellout so we are asking everyone to be ready to reserve immediately when we contact you.

Reservations for Real Estate Expo Global 2022

To inquire, simply complete the form below.

    Would you like to be an Exhibitor?
    Yes PleaseNo Thank You

    Would you like to be an Sponsor?
    Yes PleaseNo Thank You

    Would you like to be an Speaker?
    Yes PleaseNo Thank You

    Would you like to be an Advertiser?
    Yes PleaseNo Thank You

    Would you like to Host a Panel, Webinar, or Workshop?
    Yes PleaseNo Thank You

    Are you ready to reserve right now?