Step 1:
Download our HRES 2022 Prospectus.
Step 2:
Choose from our 4 options what you would like to order.
Virtual, Live, Luncheon and Happy Hour.
Step 3:
Once you make a decision on what you would like to order,
Contact Us by Phone or by Email.
Phone: 713-340-9189
[Email Example 1]
Subject: Houston Real Estate Summit 2022 Exhibitor and Advertiser
Hello, my name is John and I’m interested in becoming an Exhibitor and
Advertiser for your upcoming Houston Real Estate Summit 2022. I
checked your Houston Real Estate Summit 2022 Prospectus and I would
like to order from the following slides:
Slide 17 – I would like to order your Title Package.
Slide 24 – I would like to order 4 Advertisement Tables.
Slide 19 – I would like to order some Exhibitor Add Ons.
Note: Please be specific on what slides you want to order from
[Email Example 2]
Subject: Houston Real Estate Summit 2022 Sponsor, Advertiser, Speaker
at Luncheon
Hi, my name is Nancy and I’m interested in becoming a Sponsor,
Advertiser and Speaking Opportunity at your Luncheon. I checked your
Houston Real Estate Summit 2022 Prospectus and I would like to order
from the following slides:
Slide 9 – I would like to order your Diamond Package.
Slide 29 – I would like to order Package A.
Slide 26 – I would like to order your 1-Hour Package.
Note: Please be specific on what slides you want to order from